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As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" Not that she doesn't care, but at times she knows that you just have your thoughts.

If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 don't give a damn about what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

A woman over 40 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 40 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she hopes her friends are loyal enough not to betray her. formal party wear for young juniors

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. They Always Know.

A woman over 40 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not to say younger women don't, but it looks extraordinary on a 40 year old.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. It might just be me, or it is the fact that they mature like good wine

Older women are forthright and honest.

Don't be scared of being 40.. After all life begins at 40